Injuries at work or on the job are a frequent cause of personal injury. Cornerstone Performance Center not only can treat the pain and suffering resulting from work related accident - we can document the nature and extent of your injuries and treatments. This documentation is critical in protecting your rights for workers compensation claims and with insurance companies and attorneys representing your case.
Every Day You Delay Can Cost You
The longer you wait to have accident related injuries evaluated, treated and documented - the harder it becomes to support your case in the event you choose to seek legal council. Just as important, undiagnosed and untreated injuries can complicate and delay the treatment process and add to your pain and suffering.

Almost all large and local attorney firms know the reputation of Cornerstone Performance Center and the excellent treatment received as well as excellent records and documentation.
Don’t Assume You Aren’t Hurt after an Accident at Work - Even if you Feel Fine
Not all workplace accident related injuries are apparent at the time of the accident or even for hours or days afterward. Pain and injuries can show up well after the accident, so it is important that you not delay evaluation, treatment and documentation of your injuries related to a workplace accident.

Call Us Today
Call Cornerstone Performance Center at 404-753-3141 to schedule an evaluation and treatment for injuries you have suffered at work or on the job.